Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekly Money Update 2011 #17

I have been going through the Easy Paycheck Formula program and although most of it so far is stuff I already know, I have found a few helpful and useful info that I didn't know. I have been kind of doing affiliate marketing for a couple of years, but have only got really serious about it within the last six months or more.

I bought Easy Paycheck Formula because it was close to what I was doing and wanted not only to see if it had something that I might be missing in what I'm doing, but to also have a distinct formula I could follow step by step.

As I said last week I will post a review of Easy Paycheck Formula on one or a few of my blogs. Maybe even this one now that it has a PR2 ranking.

Haven't joined Squidoo yet? Well, you should. It's really easy to make money there.

Check out my new Squidoo blog Squidoodling - Make Money With Squidoo.

If you are doing affiliate marketing you have to look into Best Reviewer. You can list your affiliate links there or if you're looking to get referrals you can list your referral links, you get also get traffic to your blog or website. Give it a try.

Here are the programs that have paid me so far this year.

PayPal Cash Back: $3.94
Last Year's Total= $19.14

Triond: $3.15
Last Year's Total= $5.74

Money4Banners: $41.66
Last Year's Total= $115.00

Last Year's Total= $14.61

Associated Content: $5.77
Last Year's Total= $66.08

Amazon: $86.75
Last Year's Total= $32.36

Bukisa: $2.37

Contextual Ads: $118.17
Last Year's Total= $222.91

Clix Sense: $11.67
Last Year's Total= $9.44

Ecopywriters: $20.94
Last Year's Total= $102.42

misc: $240.00
Last Year's Total= $70.00

FinerWorks: $36.65

Last week's total= $558.63
So far this year total= $578.63 (up $20.00)

2010 total= $4010.28 (up $844.17 from 2009)

Here are the payments I have pending.

Hits4Pay: $3.88 (up $0.02)

FinerWorks: $0.03 (up $0.01)

Contextual Ads: $46.81 (up $2.39)

SendEarnings: $24.91 (no change)

MyLot: $1.88 (up $0.03)

EmailPaysU: $62.26(up $0.37)

CashMoneyEmail: $41.86 (up $0.21)

Snap Dollars: $28.64(up $0.08)

Inbox Dollars: $17.60 (up $0.28)

ClickBank: $45.55 (no change)

Zazzle: $24.60 (no change)

Apsense: $33.01 (up $0.30)

RedGage: $27.43 (up $0.07)

Squidoo:$4.84 (no change)

Triond: $0.37(up $0.11)

Associated Content: $0.69 (up $0.21)

Amazon: $11.38 (no change)

Last Week's Total= $428.37
This Week's Total= $432.05 (up $3.68)

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Mister Linker

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekly Money Update 2011 #16

It was a good money making week last week. I sold my Twitter account for $200 to a company that wanted the user name I had. I also made some money for coping and pasting articles from article directories to a new directory. I will be doing more of that this week for the guy that hired me to do it.

I recently bought a program called Easy Paycheck Formula. This a step by step program for making money online without spending any money by using totally free resources. I have taken a quick look through the program and it looks like it will be pretty easy. I plan to start working this program this week and I will be posting my progress on a couple of my blogs and maybe even this one.

One last thing. I noticed that this blog now has a PR2 ranking, which means that I can actually make more money with it by doing paid post and getting paid advertisement.

Haven't joined Squidoo yet? Well, you should. It's really easy to make money there.

Check out my new Squidoo blog Squidoodling - Make Money With Squidoo.

If you are doing affiliate marketing you have to look into Best Reviewer. You can list your affiliate links there or if you're looking to get referrals you can list your referral links, you get also get traffic to your blog or website. Give it a try.

Here are the programs that have paid me so far this year.

PayPal Cash Back: $3.94
Last Year's Total= $19.14

Triond: $3.15
Last Year's Total= $5.74

Money4Banners: $41.66
Last Year's Total= $115.00

Last Year's Total= $14.61

Associated Content: $5.77
Last Year's Total= $66.08

Amazon: $86.75
Last Year's Total= $32.36

Bukisa: $2.37

Contextual Ads: $118.17
Last Year's Total= $222.91

Clix Sense: $11.67
Last Year's Total= $9.44

Ecopywriters: $20.94
Last Year's Total= $102.42

misc: $220.00
Last Year's Total= $70.00

FinerWorks: $36.65

Last week's total= $291.68
So far this year total= $558.63 (up $266.95)

2010 total= $4010.28 (up $844.17 from 2009)

Here are the payments I have pending.

Hits4Pay: $3.86 (up $0.06)

FinerWorks: $0.02 (new total after payment)

Contextual Ads: $44.42 (up $2.68)

SendEarnings: $24.91 (no change)

MyLot: $1.88 (up $0.03)

EmailPaysU: $61.89(up $0.27)

CashMoneyEmail: $41.65 (up $0.18)

Snap Dollars: $28.56(up $0.04)

Inbox Dollars: $17.32 (up $0.08)

ClickBank: $45.55 (no change)

Zazzle: $24.60 (no change)

Apsense: $32.71 (up $0.20)

RedGage: $27.36 (up $0.04)

Squidoo:$4.84 (new total after payment)

Triond: $0.26(up $0.10)

Associated Content: $0.48 (new total after payment)

Amazon: $11.38 (no change)

Last Week's Total= $470.40
This Week's Total= $428.37 (new total after payment)

Subscribe to my feed and never miss a post.

Click here to visit and build my Kliks Add to Technorati Favorites

Mister Linker

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekly Money Update 2011 #15

Nothing to much to report this week. Still working my Squidoo lenses.

Haven't joined Squidoo yet? Well, you should. It's really easy to make money there.

Check out my new Squidoo blog Squidoodling - Make Money With Squidoo.

If you are doing affiliate marketing you have to look into Best Reviewer. You can list your affiliate links there or if you're looking to get referrals you can list your referral links, you get also get traffic to your blog or website. Give it a try.

Here are the programs that have paid me so far this year.

PayPal Cash Back: $3.94
Last Year's Total= $19.14

Triond: $3.15
Last Year's Total= $5.74

Money4Banners: $41.66
Last Year's Total= $115.00

Last Year's Total= $14.61

Associated Content: $3.53
Last Year's Total= $66.08

Amazon: $86.75
Last Year's Total= $32.36

Bukisa: $2.37

Contextual Ads: $118.17
Last Year's Total= $222.91

Clix Sense: $11.67
Last Year's Total= $9.44

Ecopywriters: $20.94
Last Year's Total= $102.42

Last week's total= $289.86
So far this year total= $291.68 (up $1.82)

2010 total= $4010.28 (up $844.17 from 2009)

Here are the payments I have pending.

Hits4Pay: $3.80 (no change)

FinerWorks: $36.66 (up $0.01)

Contextual Ads: $41.74 (up $3.74)

SendEarnings: $24.91 (no change)

MyLot: $1.88 (up $0.03)

EmailPaysU: $61.62(up $0.25)

CashMoneyEmail: $41.47 (up $0.16)

Snap Dollars: $28.52(up $0.04)

Inbox Dollars: $17.24 (up $0.03)

ClickBank: $45.55 (no change)

Zazzle: $24.60 (no change)

Apsense: $32.51 (up $0.25)

RedGage: $27.32 (up $0.10)

Squidoo:$9.00 (no change)

SponsoredTweets: $2.82 (no change)

Triond: $0.16(new total after payment)

Associated Content: $2.54 (up $0.24)

Amazon: $11.38 (no change)

Last Week's Total= $466.08
This Week's Total= $470.40 (up $4.32)

Subscribe to my feed and never miss a post.

Click here to visit and build my Kliks Add to Technorati Favorites

Mister Linker

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekly Money Update 2011 #14

Right now I'm in backlinking mode right now and doing some backlinking for my new Squidoo lenses. I noticed that I sold a $245 watch last month which gave me a $9.80 commission. I wish this would happen more often.

Haven't joined Squidoo yet? Well, you should. It's really easy to make money there.

Check out my new Squidoo blog Squidoodling - Make Money With Squidoo.

If you are doing affiliate marketing you have to look into Best Reviewer. You can list your affiliate links there or if you're looking to get referrals you can list your referral links, you get also get traffic to your blog or website. Give it a try.

Here are the programs that have paid me so far this year.

PayPal Cash Back: $2.77
Last Year's Total= $19.14

Triond: $2.50
Last Year's Total= $5.74

Money4Banners: $41.66
Last Year's Total= $115.00

Last Year's Total= $14.61

Associated Content: $3.53
Last Year's Total= $66.08

Amazon: $86.75
Last Year's Total= $32.36

Bukisa: $2.37

Contextual Ads: $118.17
Last Year's Total= $222.91

Clix Sense: $11.67
Last Year's Total= $9.44

Ecopywriters: $20.94
Last Year's Total= $102.42

Last week's total= $289.86
So far this year total= $289.86 (no change)

2010 total= $4010.28 (up $844.17 from 2009)

Here are the payments I have pending.

Hits4Pay: $3.80 (up $0.02)

FinerWorks: $36.65 (up $0.02)

Contextual Ads: $38.00 (up $1.31)

SendEarnings: $24.91 (up $0.02)

MyLot: $1.85 (no change)

EmailPaysU: $61.37(up $0.27)

CashMoneyEmail: $41.31 (up $0.12)

Snap Dollars: $28.48(up $0.07)

Inbox Dollars: $17.21 (up $0.10)

ClickBank: $45.55 (no change)

Zazzle: $24.60 (no change)

Apsense: $32.26 (up $0.20)

RedGage: $27.22 (up $0.10)

Squidoo:$9.00 (no change)

SponsoredTweets: $2.82 (up $0.10)

Triond: $0.65(up $0.21)

Associated Content: $2.30 (up $0.23)

Amazon: $11.38 (up $10.44)

Last Week's Total= $452.87
This Week's Total= $466.08 (up $13.21)

Subscribe to my feed and never miss a post.

Click here to visit and build my Kliks Add to Technorati Favorites

Mister Linker