Sunday, June 3, 2007

Weekly Money Update #12

This week I joined Bloggerwave and have taken 2 opportunities, but I have put one of them on the blogs that is approved by Bloggerwave. I am waiting for my reviews to approved. I also got a payment from Daytipper which was a surprise. I will add that payment to the paid list. Hits4Pay zero out my pending amount (well, not really zero out. It seems that $10 is for some reason in my account), so that means I'll be getting a check from them soon. I won't add it to my paid list until I actually get the check.

Here is what I have made from the programs so far that I have been paid from.

Cash4offers: $77.60 from two payments

MaviShare: $56.00 from one payment

Send Earnings: $38.94 from one payment

Associated Content: $36 from eight payments, up $3 from last week

StormClix: $27.63 from three payments

Your2Cents: $44.00 from five payments (up $13.00)

MyLot: $10.97 from one payment

Media Dollarz: $4.65 from two payments

FinerWorks: $26.58 from one payment

Smorty: $6.00 from one payment

Daytipper: $3.00 from one payment

This weeks total=$321.37 (up $3.00 from last week)

Here is what I have pending.

Hits4Pay: $10.07 (Starting fresh Waiting for check)

FinerWorks: $3.86 (up $.50)

Google Adsense: $41.33 (up $.65)

Tik Tik Cash: $20.16 (up $.20)

Take The Internet Back: $14.28 (up $.42)

RevenuePilot: $32.27 (up $2.50)

SendEarnings: $33.63 (up $1.06)

Helium: $31.01 (up $1.17 I'm at payout here, but I missed the withdraw date for next month payment. So I'll let it grow.)

WordLinx: $9.57 (up $.15) I'm $.43 from payout here

StormClix: $10.05 (up $.11) I could have withdraw here at $2, but I'm just letting it grow.

Cash4Offers: $6.55 (no change)I haven't been getting any e-mails from here lately.

Clix Sense: $7.91 (up $.27)

Associated Content: $0.98 (no change)

MyLot: $2.14 (up $.25)

EmailPaysU: $12.19 (up $.15)

CashMoneyEmail: $11.68 (up $.15)

Snap Dollars: $6.26 (up $.10)

PayPerPost: $46.50 (up $10.00)

Blogvertise: $13.00 (no change)

Your2Cents: $12.00 (no change) I could withdraw here, but letting it grow

Survey Spot: $10.00 (no change) I could withdraw here, but letting it grow

Inbox Dollars: $6.25 (up $1.40)

Last Weeks Total= $339.28

This Weeks Total= $341.69(up $2.41)

Even with the subtraction of the Hits4Pay payment, the pending did go up some. This week with the addition of the paid to review sites I hope to see a bigger increase of next weeks pending amount. That is unless I decide to cash out at some of the places I can cash out at. Then we'll see an increase in the paid list.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just saying hello while I look through the posts I'm trying to find out how to make an e-mail list with out having to spend a wad of cash on some training course

hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read Im trying to find a way to build an e-mail list.