Friday, August 31, 2007

30 Day Challenge Rave

I don’t know if any of you joined in on the 30 Day Challenge, but it has ended now. From what I understand it broke some records and was much more successful than previous years.

For those of you who don’t know what the 30 Day Challenge is, it was a challenge to make $10 online in 30 days using techniques give by Ed Dale and his crew. Ed Dale is the originator of the 30 Day Challenge.

It seems some people made their $10 within a few hours and some hundreds within a few days. The challenge itself was not really about making the $10, it was more about using the techniques to make money online period.

Although I did join the 30 Day Challenge, I was unable to participate in it. Here’s the good news for anyone like me who wanted to participate, but couldn’t for whatever reason, or maybe you just missed a few days, the challenge is going to stay up for awhile longer. How much longer, I don’t know.

I am coping the pages and other files like videos and pod casts to my computer in order to take the challenge at my leisure, but you can go to the website and follow along. I don’t know if you can still signup if you’re not a member already, but it’s worth a try to see if you can.

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